Monday, August 13, 2007

octopus and whales

NOTE: we have included a YouTube link and only to intend to show you the movie in the frame - we are not liable to any movies you link to in the video bar after the main movie - this is a very cool example of an octopus changing both its color and surface. For reference this is a video with the octopus blending in then as the diver approaches it gets scared turns white and swims away - the neat part of this video is it show s in slow motion reverse the process so you can see the octopus go from invesible to very there!

- in case you didn't believe last one - heres another (45 sec)

This is one I like - we were researching sperm whales (after octopus lead to giant squid and of course sperm whales)
I like this one cause its so darn real and gives perspective to these whales ( and the jerky camera of the person who i guess monitors the video control on this rig - highlight for them i expect- can you imagine the language in the control room and note - the whale doesn't appear to touch the rig at all)

This one is for parent censor (work crew exploding dead whale circa 70's) OK a couple parents asked to see it after I mentioned it.

I had heard about it - just never saw the video before I explained to kyrri that it was a very silly example of how silly people can be and asked her to guess what the plan might do .. and she guessed the outcome - then we watched the video which is a bit gruesome but at the same time a funny tale of union worker folly and the value of thinking your plans ahead.

what not to do !!!!

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