Monday, August 13, 2007

Humpback singing and catching fish

NOTE: we have included A Youtube video and only to intended to show you the movie in the frame - we are not liable to any movies you link to in the video bar after the main movie.

We liked the video of humpback whales making bubble nets to round up herring then jump up and catch the fish. It was also interesting each whale in the pod rose in the same spot each time.
They are very smart and decide on their plan in advance to catch the most fish!

humpbacks are often seen "hanging" upside down for long times singing
( 30 min - 1 hour)
We attached video of a whale doing this you can also here "slapping" noises which are his sonars

scientists think they do this as the sound bounces down into the valley on the bottom of the ocean and carry much further - its like a long distance call.
and they can sing at 170 decibels at times ( that's as loud as a jet and would rattle you if you swam by it)
Sailors can here the whales inside their ships.

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